Barotropic waves along an eastern continental shelf

An analysis is presented of the propagation of barotropic non-divergent oscillations along the western side of an ocean basin along which the persistent circulation in the basin is strongly intensified and laterally sheared. Because the Rossby number of a western boundary current is near unity, the properties of these waves are strongly affected by the steady circulation pattern. It is shown that for relatively long wavelengths, these waves can travel along the shelf in both directions; however, for a small range of short wavelengths they can only propagate northward and are unstable. Along the southeastern coast of North America, the unstable waves have wavelengths of order 150 km and periods of order 10 days. However, these waves can become stable oscillations in the deeper water northeast of Cape Hatteras. These oscillations are a possible explanation of the initiation of Gulf Stream meanders along the continental rise.

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