The molecular structure of the (NCCN)2and (PCCP)2van der Waals dimers

The stationary points on the potential energy surfaces of the (NCCN)2 and (PCCP)2 van der Waals homodimers have been examined at the ab initio Hartree-Fock level of theory employing a 4-31G basis set. Only a T-shaped C2v stable minimum energy structure was found for the (NCCN)2 dimer, while two energetically very similar stable minima, exhibiting near T-shaped Cs and slipped-parallel C2h spatial arrangements, were predicted for the (PCCP)2 dimer. Our predictions for the (NCCN)2 complex are in agreement with a recent gas phase spectroscopic study. No experimental gas phase study seems to have been reported for the (PCCP)2 dimer, and our results indicate that an equilibrium between a near T-shaped and a parallel form is likely to occur. The implications of including electron correlation effects and higher polarized/diffuse functions are discussed.