Outcomes of a Teaching Scholars Program to Promote Leadership in Faculty Development

Provision of adequate opportunities for faculty to receive training in teaching skills requires persons with faculty development expertise to provide this training. In this study, we examined outcomes of a teaching scholars program (TSP) aimed at promoting leaders in faculty development in teaching skills in individual departments and throughout the institution. A 3-year TSP, established in 1999, combines monthly meetings and other activities to train faculty representing departments throughout the College of Medicine to provide faculty development in teaching skills. Analysis of program participants' curriculum vitae was conducted to compare preprogram and postprogram faculty development activities. There was substantial increase in program participants' facilitation of teaching skills workshops and development of teaching improvement systems within their home departments. Participants also facilitated an increased number of college-wide workshops. Secondary outcomes included increases in educational leadership positions and education-related presentations and publications. The TSP is a successful local model for increasing the resources available for teaching improvement.