Sphagnum peatland distribution in North America and Eurasia during the past 21,000 years

The distribution and abundance of Sphagnum spores in North America and Eurasia are mapped for the past 21 ka. The present‐day distribution of abundant Sphagnum spores corresponds closely to areas with peatland development, with maximum Sphagnum abundance between 630 and 1300 mm annual precipitation and between −2° and 6°C mean annual air temperature. During the Wisconsin glaciation, there were apparently not large areas of peatland in North America, except in Alaska. High Sphagnum spore percentages were found in eastern North America during deglaciation. Major peatland development occurred in boreal North America after 9 ka and there was a southward movement of high Sphagnum spore abundance after 5 ka in the western Great Lakes region. Major peatland development began after 9 ka in Europe and Asia. On the basis of maps of the area supporting peatlands, carbon accumulation in peatlands is estimated to be low prior to 11 ka, increased slightly between 11 and 5 ka, and greatly increased during the past 5 ka.