Magnetic moments of C isotopes studied with antisymmetrized molecular dynamics

We studied the magnetic dipole moments μ of even-odd C isotopes, ranging from proton-rich to neutron-rich nuclei, with antisymmetrized molecular dynamics (AMD). The results are in good agreement with the experimental data. In the C9 ground state the total intrinsic spin of the protons is found to be nonzero (Sp≠0), which is unusual in even-odd nuclei. The interesting point is that the spin-orbit force breaks slightly the coupling off of intrinsic spins of the even nucleon group in isospin T=32 nuclei. This result is consistent with the newly measured μ data that, when combined with Li9 data, indicate an unusual 〈σ〉 value larger than unity. A μ moment −1.05μN of C17 is theoretically predicted. We also show a good reproduction of E2 transition data.