Fundamental and harmonic susceptibilities of YBa2Cu3O7δ

We have examined the complex harmonic magnetic susceptibilities χn=χn-iχn (n=1,2,3,...,10) of the sintered high-critical-temperature (high-Tc) superconductor YBa2 Cu3 O7δ. The experimental variables for the measurements of χn were the sample temperature T (10⩽T⩽110 K), the ac magnetic field amplitude Hac (1.4 μT⩽μ0 Hac⩽8.5 mT), frequency f (7.3⩽f⩽1460 Hz), and the magnitude of a superimposed dc field Hdc (|μ0 Hdc|⩽8.5 mT). As functions of temperature, χ1 and χ1 depend on both Hac and Hdc. In particular, the χ1 transition curve can shift to higher temperatures with increasing Hdc. Odd-harmonic susceptibilities were measured as functions of temperature below Tc for zero Hdc; both even and odd harmonics were observed for nonzero Hdc. At fixed temperature, the odd-harmonic susceptibilities are even functions of Hdc, while the even-harmonic susceptibilities are odd functions of Hdc. We compared the experimental intergrain coupling characteristics of χn and χn with theoretical susceptibility curves based on magnetization equations derived by Ji et al. from a simplified Kim model for critical current density. The theoretical curves are in good agreement with the temperature- and field-dependent features of χn and χn, and, therefore, the intergrain coupling component of a sintered high-Tc superconductor behaves as a type-II superconductor.