FFPRHC Guidance: Emergency Contraception (April 2003)

This Guidance updates and replaces the previous Faculty recommendations on emergency contraception (EC)1 and is applicable to all professionals providing contraceptive services in primary and secondary care. Details of the methods used by the Clinical Effectiveness Unit (CEU) in developing this Guidance, and evidence tables summarising the research basis of the recommendations, are available on the Faculty website (www.ffprhc.org.uk). Those providing EC should recognise that women at risk of unintended pregnancy may also be at risk of sexually transmitted infection. A pragmatic approach to clinical management, acknowledging these issues, is required. A key to the grades of recommendations, based on levels of evidence, is given at the end of the document. Abbreviations used: combined oral contraceptive (COC); emergency contraception, both oral and intrauterine (EC); intrauterine contraceptive device (IUD); intrauterine contraceptive system (IUS); last menstrual period (LMP); levonorgestrel (LNG); Patient Group Direction (PGD); progestogen-only emergency contraception (POEC); progestogen-only pill (POP); randomised controlled trial (RCT); sexually transmitted infection (STI); unprotected sexual intercourse (UPSI); World Health Organization (WHO).