Lysosomes in skeletal muscle following denervation

The in-vivo uptake of exogenously applied horseradish peroxidase and the activities of the lysosomal enzymes acid phosphatase and cathepsin D were studied histochemically and/or biochemically in innervated and 2–14 day-denervated tibialis anterior muscles of the mouse. The biochemically determined uptake of horseradish peroxidase showed a large increase already 4 days after denervation. The activities of the lysosomal enzymes increased in a more gradual fashion, and only cathepsin D showed an increase in activity when expressed as total activity per muscle. Histochemically horseradish peroxidase was found to be localized in muscle fibres in characteristic spindle-shaped segments after denervation. The main increase in the number of such segments per transverse section of the muscle occurred between 3 and 6 days after denervation. In serial sections these segments frequently showed positive staining also for acid phosphatase. It is concluded that exogenously applied horseradish peroxidase is taken up into the lysosomal system, which after denervation becomes organized into characteristic spindle-shaped segments in the muscle fibres. The endocytic activity of muscle fibres increases early after denervation. This is followed by a more gradual increase in activity of lysosomal enzymes and finally by an organization of the lysosomal system into characteristic spindle-shaped segments. The results are compatible with the working hypothesis that increased endocytosis may initiate lysosomal activation in denervated skeletal muscle.