Dynamic Yield Behavior of Explosively Loaded Metals Determined by a Quartz Transducer Technique

Explosively generated plane waves were passed through plates of duraluminum, iron, and steels of various compositions and heat treatments. X-cut quartz disks of large diameter-to-thickness ratios (≥5) were used to obtain continuous stress-time profiles of elastic-plastic wave structures associated with yielding. For times less than wave transit time through the disk, the short-circuit current output is directly proportional to the specimen-to-quartz interface stress up to 21 kbar. The incident wave profile in the specimen is then determined from the interface stress-time profile on the basis of an assumed model. Advantages of the technique are excellent time resolution, high sensitivity, and relative simplicity of use. The profiles for duraluminum,normalized SAE 1018 steel, and normalized Armco iron exhibit a relatively slow rise to the yield stress,subsequent stress relaxation, except in duraluminum, and then a gradual rising transition into the plastic wave. In comparison, SAE 4340 and other tool steel profiles exhibit a faster initial rise, no stress relaxation,and a steeper transition into the plastic wave. The dynamic yield stress in the tool steels increases with Rockwell hardness, and the separation between the elastic and plastic wavefronts decreases. In general, as the specimen thickness is increased, the dynamic yield stress decreases and the initial rise time increases.

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