Colostral Immunoglobulin Transfer in Calves II. The Rate of Absorption

The rate and pattern of colostral immunoglobulin absorption based upon increase in concentration of immunoglobulin in serum in calves was determined from the interaction of 3 factors: starting age of colostral feeding, amount of colostrum fed and time after feeding. All immunoglobulin classes show common characteristics of absorption following a rapid transfer during the first 4 h after feeding. An analysis of 3-dimensional response surface for each of the 3 immunoglobulin classes indicated positive linear trend in the amount fed up to 2 l. Rates of absorption in succeeding time periods following the initial feeding had decreasing linear trends. Age at 1st feeding had an inverse effect on rate of absorption. A linear-by-linear interaction between amount fed and starting age was shown for all 3 classes. Only immunoglobulin IgM had a significant quadratic response for amount fed. Concentration of immunoglobulin in the pooled colostrums fed had no influence on rate of absorption. Colostrum (21) fed to Holstein calves may be otpimum in the range studied for maximum pinocytotic activation of absorptive cells and maximum rate of absorption.