Bedside Application of an Ultrasensitive Urine Test for HCG in Patients with Suspected Ectopic Pregnancy

One hundred and seven patients with suspected ectopic pregnancy were tested for HCG at the bedside using the Tandem Icon. The test was performed by ward doctors with no formal laboratory experience. The patients were managed conservatively or by surgery as dictated by the clinical picture and the Icon test result. Retrospective categorisation of the 107 patients by laboratory analysis and clinical outcome showed that 21 were pregnant (17 ectopic, 4 intrauterine) and 86 non-pregnant. At the bedside the Icon was reported as negative in one pregnant patient and three patients who were not pregnant were found to give Icon-positive results. In the laboratory the Icon correctly categorised all patients. Three of the four discrepant results were found to be a direct result of the operator's inexperience in analytical procedure and interpretation. The Tandem Icon HCG urine assay can reliably be used at the bedside of patients with suspected ectopic pregnancy provided that the operator has had sufficient experience in its use.