Synchronous Tandem Algorithm for 32-kbit/s ADPCM

The synchronous tandem property of nonaccumulation of distortion in tandem-connected ADPCM coders with a 64 kbit/s PCM interface is discussed here. The synchronous tandem algorithm used to provide this property in the steady-state mode is described with a case-by-case analysis, so as to show how the synchronous tandem property is realized in an ADPCM coder. A 32 kbit/s ADPCM coder utilizing this algorithm has been standardized by the CCITT (International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee). The synchronous tandem property of the 32 kbit/s ADPCM coder is of great interest in network applications, because the ADPCM coder appears likely to be introduced into digital networks built partially with existing 64 kbit/s PCM circuits.

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