Establishing Specific Pathogen-Free (SPF) Nonhuman Primate Colonies

Nonhuman primates continue to make significant contributions to human health through their role in comparative biomedical research in vaccine development, toxicology, teratogenesis, reproduction, xenotransplantation, and infectious diseases along with their therapy ( Schmidt 1972 ; Eichberg 1989 ; Dormont and others 1990 ; Kalter and Heberling 1995 ). With today's growing sophistication in research and technology there is a demand for a comparably high-quality animal model that was foreseen in 1972 (Neurauter and Goodwin 1972). In 1988, it became apparent there would be a significant future need for retrovirus- and herpes B virus-free monkeys to enable investigators to fully develop a promising simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) monkey model ( Stahl-Hennig and others 1990 ).