Social and sexual function following ileal pouch-anal anastomosis

Patients who undergo surgery for ulcerative colitis are usually young and active. When surgery becomes necessary, their future social and sexual function is of major concern. This study was performed to be able to give more detailed information of what is to be expected. Forty-nine consecutive patients (26 men and 23 women) who underwent ileal J-pouch-anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis between November 1983 and September 1986 in the authors' institution were personally interviewed regarding details of their preoperative and postoperative social and sexual functions. Eighty-eight percent had reduced capacity to work preoperatively compared with 6 percent postoperatively. Thirty-one percent resumed work in the period with diverting ileostomy. Leisure time activities were reduced in 47 percent preoperatively, whereas 6 percent had limitations postoperatively. In 35 percent of women, frequency of intercourse was increased postoperatively, and none reported a decreased frequency. None of the women who were able to achieve orgasm preoperatively reported a postoperative disturbance of this ability, and 16 percent experienced an increased quality of orgasm. Postoperatively none reported dyspareunia, vaginal discharge, or changes in their menstrual cycle. Frequency of intercourse and ability to achieve orgasm remained unchanged for the majority of men; however, one developed erectile dysfunction, and one complained of retrograde ejaculation. Sexual activity in men was less affected by the presence of an ileostomy, and 69 percent had intercourse in the period with ileostomy compared with 30 percent of women. None of the patients complained of anal pain, soiling, or fecal leakage during intercourse, but one women reported some discomfort from the pouch during intercourse. None of the patients wanted to return to a life with an ileostomy. The social and sexual function, quality of life, after ileal J-pouch anastomosis is improved when compared with the period with ulcerative colitis and the time with diverting ileostomy. In men, however, a frequency of sexual dysfunction similar to what is seen after proctectomy for benign diseases should be underlined.