Effect of a Purified or Corn-Skim Milk Diet on Retention and Tissue Distribution of Manganese-54 in Calves

Calves were fed a corn-skim milk or a purified diet to determine if the large differences in Mn metabolism in rats fed such diets occurred in ruminating calves. The calf purified diet was similar to the rat purified diet but with potassium bicarbonate and sodium bicarbonate added as buffers. In contrast to the huge differences in rats, retention of 54Mn was the same in calves fed the corn-skim milk diet as in calves fed the purified diet. The minor differences in the diets probably did not cause such large differences in effects between calves and rats. A likely reason for the difference is the functional rumen in the calf. The active rumen may metabolize ingredient(s) that affect Mn absorption in the rat and would not be in the small intestine to affect absorption by the calf.