NAPHAZOLINE hydrochloride (privine®; 2-[1-naphthyl-methyl]-imidazoline hydrochloride) has long been in use as a nasal decongestant. Heretofore, however, it has not been used in ophthalmology in this country. Since its properties indicate potential usefulness as an ocular decongestant, it was decided to determine its value in a number of clinical conditions. It became evident that naphazoline hydrochloride in ophthalmic solution could be a valuable adjunct to the ophthalmologic armamentarium. Hence a series of experiments was conducted to determine the effect of naphazoline on intraocular tension, pupillary size, accommodation and status of the ocular blood vessels. Naphazoline hydrochloride1 in 0.1 per cent ophthalmic solution has the following formula: CLINICAL APPLICATION Babel2 and Fanta3 reported on the effect of naphazoline on the eyes of rabbits and human subjects. In view of the contemplated manufacture of privine® ophthalmic solution for the commercial market, it was deemed advisable to publish the results of