Escherichia coli0157:H7 Strains That Express Shiga Toxin (Stx) 2 Alone Are More Neurotropic for Gnotobiotic Piglets Than Are Isotypes Producing Only Stx1 or Both Stx1 and Stx2
Infection with Escherichia coli O157:H7 can lead to hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) in some children. Epidemiologic data suggest that Shiga toxin (Stx) 2-producing strains are more frequently associated with HUS than are Stx1-producing strains. Less clear is whether strains that express Stx2 alone are more frequently associated with HUS than strains that express Stx1 and Stx2. Isogenic mutants 933stx1- and 933stx2- were produced from strain 933 (Stx1 and Stx2 producer), and 86-24stx2- was produced from strain 86-24 (Stx2 producer). Neurologic lesions or symptoms developed in 18 (90%) of 20 gnotobiotic piglets orally infected with strain 86-24, in 15 (85%) of 18 infected with mutant 933stx1-, in 9 (31%) of 29 infected with strain 933, in 0 of 5 infected with mutant 86-24stx2-, and in 0 of 6 infected with mutant 933stx2-. It was concluded that strains expressing Stx2 alone are more neurotropic for piglets when fed orally than are those strains expressing Stx1 and 2, whereas Stx1-producing strains induce only diarrhea. It is also conceivable that strains that produce Stx2 may constitute a significant predictive risk factor for HUS in humans.