Cleavage of bovine adenovirus type 3 (BAV3) DNA by restriction endonucleases EcoRI, BamHI, and HindIII yielded 7 (A to G), 5 (A to E), and 12 (A to L) fragments, respectively. The order of these fragments has been determined to be GDACBFE for EcoRI fragments, AEBDC for BamHI fragments, and JEBKACDHFGIL for HindIII fragments, and cleavage sites of these enzymes have been mapped on the genome of BAV3. BAV3 preparation contains incomplete virus whose genome has a deletion of about 13% of complete virus genome. Restriction endonuclease digestion of the incomplete virus DNA revealed that EcoRI E and F, BamHI C and HindIII G, I, and L fragments were deleted. Therefore, the deleted region of incomplete virus DNA is located near the right-hand end of the BAV3 DNA molecule, a result consistent with our previous electron-microscopic observations on heteroduplex molecules formed between complete and incomplete BAV3 DNA.