IgE Multiple Myeloma

IgE multiple myeloma is a rare disease characterized by a high frequency of Bence-Jones proteinuria and plasma cell leukaemia when compared to other isotypes of monoclonal proteins. Only 35 cases have been reported. We describe a 70-year-old woman with a stage III IgE kappa multiple myeloma presenting with a sacral plasmacytoma. Immunological and biochemical studies showed IgE kappa producing tumoral plasma cells. Serum total IgE was high without clinical symptoms suggesting an hyperlgE syndrome or mast cell activation. The patient underwent surgical removal of the sacral tumor and monthly melphalan-prednisone treatment together with intravenous pamidronate infusions. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the dorsolumbar spine revealed an epidural process leading to T6-T9 radiotherapy. Bone densitometry showed a decreased bone mineral content supporting the management of myeloma-related osteoporosis with bisphosphonate infusions. A good partial response with plateau-phase and increase of bone mineral content was achieved after 1 year of treatment and still persists after a 28 months follow-up.

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