Adsorption from polymer blend solutions and structure of adsorption layer

The formation of macromolecular aggregates in dilute and semidilute solutions of the blend of two thermodynamically miscible polymers, polycarbonate and poly- Σ -caprolactone was studied. It was found that the critical concentration of crossover in solutions of blends depends on the ratio of components. Adsorption on aerosil from solutions of blends in dilute and semidilute regimens has been investigated and is characterized by the appearance of the maxima on isotherms at concentrations near the critical concentration of crossover. Increasing concentration of the solution leads to a reduction of the fraction of bound segments. The thickness of the adsorbed layer was estimated at various concentrations, assuming that all the surface of the sorbent is saturated at low solution concentration and that the increase of adsorption associated with the increase in concentration is associated with the adsorption of aggregates and the rearrangement of the structure of adsorption layer.