At temperatures just above the melting point molten Selenium seems to be a mixture of long chains and eight-membered rings. With increasing temperature the number of rings and the average chain length decrease. At 460 °C the average chain length lies in the range of 10 atoms. In a slightly supercooled Tellurium-melt the number of first neighbours is two. The atoms are arranged in chains. Selenium rich Se-Te-alloy-melts are built up of mixed chains. It seems to be possible, that a smaller part of atoms forms Se6Te2 rings. At Tellurium concentrations higher than approximately 50 at.-% the chainlike structure with two next nearest neighbours changes to a disturbed Arsen-like short range order. The number of electrons in the first coordination shell, the short range order parameter introduced by Cowley and the partial coordination numbers show that Se-Te-alloys are of the "solution system" type, but in the whole concentration range for each atom there is a tendency to have "strange coordination".

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