Ethnic Composition of Special Education Programs in California

The purpose of this study was to investigate the racial composition of mental retardation (MR), speech impairment (SPEECH), serious emotional disturbance (SED), and specific learning disability (SLD) classes in California during 1981. The basic unit of analysis was 96 Special Education Local Planning Areas (SELPAs) representing all school districts in the state. Using the criteria established by the court in the Diana and Larry P. cases, findings indicate that Hispanic students continue to be overrepresented in approximately one fourth of the SELPAs in MR, SPEECH, and SLD programs. Black students are overrepresented in MR and SPEECH programs in approximately one-fourth of the SELPAs, but in nearly two-thirds of the SELPAs in SLD programs. Minority students are overrepresented in SLD programs more frequently than in other program types.