Developmental changes in testicular interstitial cell populations, LH receptors and in the response to hCG in the rat

High doses of hCG were administered to immature rats of different ages and the animals killed 48 h later. Serum testosterone increased 2 to 4-fold over control values 48 h after hCG. In-vitro androgen production showed different patterns according to age. Animals younger than 35 days, when treated with hCG, retained the ability to respond to in-vitro gonadotrophic stimulation. This ability was lost in testes from rats aged 45 days. The number of free LH-receptors 48 h after hCG diminished with increasing age to become non-detectable at 35 and 45 days. In control animals the proportion of differentiated Leydig cells in relation to their mesenchymal precursors increased progressively with age to reach highest values at 45 days. hCG administration induced a shift of the cellular composition of the interstitium toward the more mature cell types. hCG has a predominantly trophic action on mesenchymal precursors in young rats, promoting their differentiation. These effects are minimal in the differentiated Leydig cells in older animals. It is proposed that the observed biochemical responses are the result of the balance between the increase in LH receptors and steroidogenic enzymes in the developing new generation of young Leydig cells and the down-regulation of receptors and enzymatic lesions in fully differentiated Leydig cells.