Relaxation of the 4d→5presonance in atomic iodine

Iodine atoms, produced by laser-induced dissociation of molecular iodine, have been photoexcited with synchrotron radiation in the region of the 4d-shell excitation. A strong resonance is observed below the 4d ionization threshold, which is assigned to the 4d→5p(2 D5/2) transition. Photoelectron spectra reveal that the main decay of such an excited state is through direct autoionization into outer shells, especially into singlet states. Above the 5s1 threshold, numerous lines are observed, which cannot be understood in a single-particle framework. Indeed, ab initio calculations point out that the 5s1 configuration is strongly mixed with the 5p3 (2P)5d and 5p3 (2D)5d configurations, so that observed lines cannot be separated into main and satellite lines. Moreover, strong dynamic correlation effects are observed via a strong variation of the Auger decay rate with the kinetic energy of the Auger electron.