A previously developed method for self-consistent-field density-functional calculations involving a variational fit to the charge density is generalized to the case in which the total (electronic plus nuclear) Coulomb potential is fit. Previously the total energy E(ρ,ρ̃) was viewed as a functional of the exact ρ and fitted ρ̃ charge density. The energy expression was modified to be correct when ρ̃=ρ while at the same time allowing ρ̃ to be obtained variationally through E(ρ,ρ̃)ρ̃=0. Herein an expression for E(ρ,Ṽ), where Ṽ is the fit to the Coulomb potential, is derived with similar properties. In particular, Ṽ can be determined variationally through E(ρ,Ṽ)Ṽ=0. In various linear-combination-of-atomic-orbitals calculations on atomic neon, the superiority of variational over conventional least-squares-fitting methods is demonstrated.