Using a specific antiserum to human syncytial trophoblast plasma membrane (TrPM), we have investigated the expression of these antigens on a variety of trophoblastic and non‐trophoblastic tissues by a standard peroxidase/anti‐peroxidase staining method. Normal placenta (first‐trimester as well as full‐term), placenta from tubal pregnancy and placenta accreta were all found to express TrPM antigens. However, malignant change in trophoblast neoplasms appeared to be accompanied by a loss of these antigens, with 7 out of 10 specimens of hydatidiform mole staining positively while 3 specimens of invasive mole and 7 specimens of choriocarcinoma were all negative. In contrast, a number of malignant tumours of non‐trophoblastic origin such as carcinomas of the colon, cervix, bladder and hepatomas were found to express TrPM antigens. The possible significance of the reversal to a trophoblast phenotype by malignant neoplasms of non‐trophoblastic origin is discussed.