Pectinatus, a New Genus of the Family Bacteroidaceae

The properties of an anaerobic, rod-shaped bacterium having an unusual flagellar arrangement are described. The flagella emanate from only 1 side of the cell body and are not limited to the center portion as they are with selenomonads. The organism is a gram-negative, nonsporeforming mesophile producing acetic, propionic, and succinic acids and traces of lactic acid from glucose fermentation. The guanine-plus-cytosine content of the deoxyribonucleic acid is 39.8 mol%. The characteristics of this organism indicate that it belongs in none of the presently described genera. For this organism, a new genus, PECTINATUS and a new species, P. cerevisiiphilus, in the family Bacteroidaceae are proposed. The type strain, CCC B-1022 was deposited in the American Type Culture Collection under the number 29359.