High-speed optical pyrometry has seen increasing application in the measurement of shock temperatures in initially transparent solids and liquids; however, the information contained in the time-dependent intensity of the emitted light has frequently been overlooked. A model has been developed for this time dependence in the observed intensity of light emitted from materials undergoing high-pressure shock loading. Most experimental observations of this time dependence can be explained on the basis of geometric effects only, without having to invoke intrinsic time dependences of the source intensity (due to changes in temperature, emissivity or shock-wave structure). By taking advantage of this fact, observed time dependences can be used to determine the absorption coefficient of shocked materials and their effective emissivities, thereby providing more precise temperature measurements. The model is invoked under various limiting conditions to explain time dependences previously observed in NaCl, CaO, Mg2SiO4 (forsterite), SiO2 (quartz), MgO, and CaAl2Si2O8 (anorthite) glass. As an example, the linear absorption coefficient at 650 nm of NaCl shocked to 75 GPa is found to be 13 cm−1, close to previously published values based on a similar but less general model.