A review of the recent advances in Josephson logic devices and circuits is presented. The Josephson junction is almost an ideal digital switch exhibiting very abrupt threshold, ultra-high switching speeds (∼10 ps), and very low power dissipation (∼1 µW). Logic devices based on the Josephson junctions combine Josephson junctions with other circuit elements to provide isolation to the input signals as well as to provide higher gain than a single junction. These devices can be classified into two groups, the first group uses magnetically coupled SQUID's (Superconducting QUantum Interference Devices) to provide isolation, whereas the second group of circuits utilizes the high-resistance state of a Josephson junction in series with the signal input to provide isolation. Logic circuits based on these two isolation Schemes are compared. In both schemes, higher gains are achieved by the use of either multiple Josephson junctions in parallel or a buffer stage. The buffer stage is a Current-Injection Device (CID) which provides gain and the AND function between the two signal currents injected into it. Some of the unique features of Josephson logic circuits such as terminated superconducting transmission lines, ac power supply, Timed Inverter, and Latch circuits are also examined. The dynamic behavior of the Josephson junctions is modeled by very simple equivalent circuits. The computer simulations based on these models are compared with experiments and found to be in excellent agreement. A family of experimental logic circuits has been designed and experimentally tested using 2.5-µm minimum feature size. These circuits have fully loaded logic delays of about 40 ps/gate and power dissipation of about 4 µW/gate. The gate delays and power-delay products are compared with leading semiconductor technologies.