Treatment With Intravenous (S)-1-[3-Hydroxy-2-(Phosphonylmethoxy)Propyl]-Cytosine Of Acyclovir-Resistant Mucocutaneous Infection With Herpes Simplexvirus In A Patient With Aids

(S)-1-[3-hydroxy-2-(phosphonylmethoxy)propyl]cytosine (HPMPC) is a nucleotide analoguewith potent in vitro and in vivo activity against a broad range of herpesviruses, including acyclovir-resistant herpes simplex virus (HSV). A patient with severe acyclovir-resistant perineal HSV infection received intravenous HPMPC at 5 rug/kg/week, with concomitant oral probenecid and prehydration, and had 95% healing after four infusions. The patient developed a hypersensitivity reaction to probenecid and discontinued HPMPC after the fourth infusion. Recurrence of the perineal lesions 2 weeks later prompted initiation of an oral desensitization program to probenecid and enabled the patient to resume therapy. The lesions again responded to infusions of HPMPC, but the drug was discontinued before complete healing because of transient nephrotoxicity (proteinuria, 2+; creatinine, 1.7 mg/dl.). HPMPC is a potent antiviral agent that holds promise as a potential treatment for acyclovir-resistant HSV infection.