Pore Structure Influences Gating Properties of the T-type Ca2+ Channel α1G

The selectivity filter of all known T-type Ca2+ channels is built by an arrangement of two glutamate and two aspartate residues, each one located in the P-loops of domains I–IV of the α1 subunit (EEDD locus). The mutations of the aspartate residues to glutamate induce changes in the conduction properties, enhance Cd2+ and proton affinities, and modify the activation curve of the channel. Here we further analyze the role of the selectivity filter in the gating mechanisms of T-type channels by comparing the kinetic properties of the α1G subunit (CaV3.1) to those of pore mutants containing aspartate-to-glutamate substitution in domains III (EEED) or IV (EEDE). The change of the extracellular pH induced similar effects on the activation properties of α1G and both pore mutants, indicating that the larger affinity of the mutant channels for protons is not the cause of the gating modifications. Both mutants showed alterations in several gating properties with respect to α1G, i.e., faster macroscopic inactivation in the voltage range from −10 to 50 mV, positive voltage shift and decrease in the voltage sensitivity of the time constants of activation and deactivation, decrease of the voltage sensitivity of the steady-state inactivation, and faster recovery from inactivation for long repolarization periods. Kinetic modeling suggests that aspartate-to-glutamate mutations in the EEDD locus of α1G modify the movement of the gating charges and alter the rate of several gating transitions. These changes are independent of the alterations of the selectivity properties and channel protonation.