Mapping of the mouse bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyltransferase gene (Gnt-1) to chromosome 1 by restriction fragment length variations

Restriction endonuclease fragment length variations (RFLVs) were detected by using a rat cDNA probe for the bilirubin UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UDPGT) gene between two mouse strains, 129/Sv and MOL-MIT. RFLVs of the gene were found byEcoRI andPvuII digestions. From linkage analyses of the three-point cross test usingElo andEn-1 as marker genes, the bilirubin UDPGT gene was mapped at position 37 on chromosome 1. Bilirubin and phenol UDPGTs have been suggested to be expressed by a single gene by alternative splicing in human and rat. The mouse bilirubin UDPGT gene was namedGnt-1.