Identification of Some Volatile Compounds Related to the Flavor of Milk and Cream

A low temperature-reduced pressure distillation technic was employed to obtain a total distillate considered to be representative of milk flavor. The carbonyl compounds contained in the aqueous fraction were separated and identified as their 2,4-dinitro-phenyldrazones by paper chromatography, column partition chromato-graphy, UV spectroscopy and melting point determinations. The presence of formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, acetone, butanone, pantanone-2 and hexanone- 2 was established in milk and cream. The volatile compounds obtained from liquid N trapping of milk and cream were investigated. The volatiles were fractionated by gas chromatography and several of the eluted components trapped in liquid N for mass spectral analysis. The mass spectra data in conjunction with retention times established the identity of ethyl ether, methyl sulfide, acetone, butanone, ethanol, chloroform, acetonitrile and ethylane chloride. Evidence was obtained for the presence of a waxy, nut-like odor which is highly characteristic of cream.