Thermoregulation in hyperhydrated men during physical exercise

The influence of hyperhydration on thermoregulatory function was tested in 8 male volunteers. The subjects performed cycle exercise in the upright position at 52%V O 2max for 45 min in a thermoneutral (Ta=23° C) environment. The day after the control exercise the subjects were hyperhydrated with tap water (35 ml · kg−1 of body weight) and then performed the same physical exercise as before. Total body weight loss was lower after hyperhydration (329±85 g) than during the control exercise (442±132 g),ppppp<0,01. It is concluded that hyperhydration influences thermoregulatory function in exercising men by shortening the delay in onset of sweating and by decreasing the quantity of dripped sweat. As a result, the increases in body temperature in hyperhydrated exercising men are lower than in normally hydrated individuals.