Crystal and magnetic structure of orthorhombicHoMnO3

oHoMnO3 crystallizes in the GdFeO3-type structure (Pbnm) with no crystal structure anomalies below 295 K and with the Mn-O-Mn angle as low as 144.1°. The Mn3+ and Ho3+ magnetic moments are ordered below TN=38K and THo=11K, respectively. The ordering is incommensurate with a propagation vector k=kyb*, where ky is between 0.395 and 0.431 depending on temperature. Symmetry analyses have been carried out for both magnetic sites. The ordering was determined to be Ay for the Mn3+ moments, modulated in a longitudinal sinusoidal wave along the propagation vector. The Ho3+ moments order with the same propagation vector as Mn3+, but the site is split in two orbits of two ions, each ordered in an axfy pattern with a phase factor between them. At the lowest temperatures an antiferromagnetic (commensurate) magnetic phase appears in competition with the main (incommensurate) magnetic phase. The arrangement of the moments is discussed in terms of the magnetic exchange interactions and compared with the closely related magnetic structures of LaMnO3,TbMnO3, and is found to increase with decreasing size of the rare-earth component.