Glucagon mediates arginine-induced somatostatin secretion from isolated rat pancreatic islets

Glucagon has been suggested to be a mediator of intra-islet paracrine effects of insulin and somatostatin during nutritive stimulation. The aim of this study was to reveal possible intra-islet interactions between insulin, somatostatin and glucagon in a batch stimulation model with isolated pancreatic islets. Such interactions may influence stimulus-secretion experiments in this experimental model. In our hands arginine stimulated somatostatin secretion only in the presence of insulin antiserum. Furthermore, arginine-induced glucagon secretion was greatly increased following addition of insulin antiserum. The addition of glucagon antiserum inhibited these effects of insulin antiserum on somatostatin secretion. In conclusion, glucagon apparently represents the central mediator of arginine effects on somatostatin secretion in isolated rat pancreatic islets in batch stimulation experiments.