Effects of Round Window Membrane Rupture on Cochlear Blood Flow and Inner Ear Pressures

Effects of round window membrane rupture on cochlear blood flow and inner ear pressures were investigated using non-radioactive microspheres and a servo-micropipet system in guinea pigs. When perilymphatic pressure was raised through a glass capillary tube inserted into the perilymphatic space, both endolymph pressure and perilymph pressure rose. When these inner ear pressures were raised to relatively high levels, cochlear blood vessels could be compressed and endocochlear potential decreased to a negative value due to the interruption of cochlear blood flow. However, in the case when the round window membrane was ruptured by further increase in perilymph pressure, the inner ear pressures decreased and restoration of cochlear blood flow and endocochlear potential was observed. When the round window membrane was ruptured with a fine needle under ordinary inner ear pressures, cochlear blood flow did not change significantly.

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