Neutron orbit sizes from measurements of the60Ni(t,d) reaction in the sub-Coulomb regime

Angular distributions of the deuteron groups from the 60Ni(t,d) reaction populating the Jpi =3-/2 ground state, the Jpi =3-/2 first excited state at 68 keV and the Jpi =1-/2 second excited state at 284 keV of the final nucleus, 61Ni, have been measured at incident energies near the Coulomb barrier of 2.5, 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 MeV. Values of the root-mean-square radii of the orbits into which the neutron is transferred (2p32/, 1f52/, and 2p12/) are obtained from a DWBA analysis of the data. The sensitivity of the results to variations in the optical-model parameters and uncertainties in the single neutron spectroscopic factors of the states excited is discussed. A comparison is made of the RMS radius of the neutron excess in 62Ni, calculated from the results of this work, with the value extracted from the Coulomb energy difference of the 62Ni-62Cu pair.