Spin gauge theory of the first generation
- 1 July 1984
- journal article
- Published by Springer Nature in Il Nuovo Cimento A (1971-1996)
- Vol. 82 (2) , 210-221
- https://doi.org/10.1007/bf02782804
No abstract availableKeywords
This publication has 5 references indexed in Scilit:
- Spin gauge theory of the first generationIl Nuovo Cimento A (1971-1996), 1984
- Spin gauge theory of the first generationIl Nuovo Cimento A (1971-1996), 1984
- Negative-norm states, superselection rules, and the lepton familyPhysical Review D, 1983
- Metric vector and mass spectrum of gauge fieldsPhysical Review D, 1980
- Feynman Rules for the Yang-Mills Field: A Canonical Quantization Approach. IPhysical Review D, 1971