Effect of Raw and Heated Soybeans on Gain, Nutrient Digestibility, Plasma Amino Acids and other Blood Constituents of Growing Swine

Two experiments were conducted to determine the digestibility of certain dietary components, plasma level of various substances and weight gain when pigs were fed diets containing either raw soybeans or soybeans heated for several periods of time at different temperatures and pressures. The coefficients of digestion for dry matter and ether extract and the plasma content of urea nitrogen, cholesterol, calcium and phosphorus were similar with pigs fed diets containing either raw soybeans or heated soybeans. Weight gain and protein digestibility were in general improved by the various heat treatments. Of the 16 amino acids studied, only the concentrations of proline, isoleucine and lysine were significantly affected by dietary treatment. Protein and calorie supplementation was ineffective in overcoming the growth depressing activity of raw soybean meal. Copyright © 1967. American Society of Animal Science . Copyright 1967 by American Society of Animal Science