Survey of CT techniques and absorbed dose in various Dutch hospitals.

The purpose of this study was to make an inventory of the radiation dose from CT in the Netherlands and to relate the dose to the way the examination was performed. Details were obtained from approximately 3000 CT examinations carried out in 18 hospitals (22 CT scanners). Effective dose was calculated for each examination using CTDI-to-effective dose conversion factors. For most scanners, the conversion factors were available from the literature, for some they had to be derived with a computer model using a Monte Carlo algorithm. The data on effective dose, examination parameters and patient population are presented on a per hospital basis. Mean effective doses from brain CT were 0.8-5 mSv, from lumbar spine CT 2-12 mSv, from chest CT 6-18 mSv and from abdominal CT 6-24 mSv. The general indications for the various CT examinations were as follows: for the brain ischaemia and malignancy, for the lumbar spine disc herniation and for the chest and abdomen a known malignancy. This explains the relatively advanced age of the patients. In many hospitals intravenous contrast is used less than is recommended in current literature.