Superconductivity at 8 K in samarium-dopedC60

We have synthesized the fulleride system Smx C60 (x<3). It is found that Sm can be intercalated into interstitial sites of C60 to form a solid solution. For the nominal composition x=3, the sample shows superconductivity at Tc=8 K. X-ray diffraction reveals an orthorhombic structure with a=28.17(5) Å, b=28.07(3) Å, and c=28.27(3) Å, derived from the face-centered cubic cell of A3 C60 by doubling in each direction and analogous to that of Yb2.75 C60. The lattice parameters of Sm-doped C60 are significantly larger than those of Yb-doped C60 and the superconducting transition temperature of Sm3 C60 is 2 K higher than that of Yb2.75 C60.