Exceptional Intelligence in a Mongoloid Child of a Family with a 13–15/Partial 21 (D/Partial G) Translocation

PATIENTS with Down's syndrome (mongolism) usually have 47 chromosomes and appear to be trisomic for No. 21 as first described by Lejeune, Gauthier and Turpin1 in 1959. However, it was soon found that some patients who satisfied the same clinical criteria had 46 chromosomes, including 1 of a new type originated through a translocation process. The first was reported by Polani and his associates2 in 1960 and was interpreted as a new chromosome resulting from a reciprocal translocation between 1 member of Group 21–22 (G) and 1 of Group 13–15 (D). A second type, interpreted as a translocation between 1 . . .

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