Bleomycin effects on mouse meiotic chromosomes

The effects of a radiomimetic chemical, bleomycin (BLM), on meiotic chromosomes was evaluated in mice treated by intraperitoneal (i.p.) of intratesticular (i.t.) injection. Chromosome aberrations were analyzed at meitoic metaphase I, and damage to the synaptonemal complex (SC) was analyzed in meitoic prophase cells. In the metaphase aberration studies, an i.p. injection of 80 mg/kg BLM, timed to precede or coincide with pre-meiotic S phase, led to a significant increase in structural damage (P < 0.01) in cells reaching metaphase I 12 days after treatment. However, no increases in clastogenic effects were observed at metaphase I after treatment of cells during various stages of prophase. SC analyses in pachytene cells following an i.p. or i.t. injection at S phase revealed various forms of synaptic errors and structural anomalies, including qualitative changes similar to those observed following irradiation. I.p. doses ranging from 25 to 100 mg/kg, and i.t. doses as low as 0.5 mg/kg, caused roughly 6-fold increases over control levels in the number of damaged cells. SC analyses in pachytene cells following BLM treatments 2 days earlier (at leptotene-zygotene) or 16 h earlier (at early-mid pachytene), also revealed induced structural and synaptic anomalies. Following the treatment at early-mid pachytene, there was some suggestion of interference with chiasma formation as evidenced by univalent-like configurations detected at diakinesis-metaphase. It was concluded that BLM is clastogenic for meiotic chromosomes; however, it does not reveal the strong S-independent clastogenic activity at meiosis that is characteristic of its activity at mitosis. SC analysis indicated that some damage is induced at meiotic prophase, although structurally aberrant cells are not recoverable at meiotic metaphase I. The results call forth various possible explanations for germ-line specific responses to BLM clastogenic activity.