Linear Chains with a Ferromagnetic Interaction in RbFeCl3

The temperature dependence of the electric field gradient of RbFeCl3 has been measured in the range 4.2-300°K (TN=2.55°K). These results are analyzed together with the parallel and perpendicular susceptibilities observed by Achiwa. The Hamiltonian describing the system contains a single-ion crystal field term and an anisotropic bilinear interaction between nearest-neighbor Fe2+ pairs along the c axis. A best fit is obtained assuming a ferromagnetic pair interaction J=5±1 and J=11±2 cm1, with the spins lying in the basal plane. At low temperatures (T<TN) the correlation length along the chains (parallel to the c axis) is long enough for a one-dimensional spin-wave theory to be applicable. This assumes that the magnetic properties are predominantly determined by excitations propagating along the chains. Using this approach the magnetic moment per Fe2+ ion at 0 °K is calculated to be 2.2μB, as compared with 2μB observed by Davidson et al. by neutron scattering.