I. In 1884 I had the opportunity of making a geological tour in Persia, espeeially in the northern provinces, one of my principal objects being to excavate a deposit of Pliocene mammals discovered about 30 years ago by the Russian travellers Göbel and Khanikoff near Maragha, to the east of the lake of Urumia. Abich, Brandt, and Grewingk have already published short notes upon the subject, but the locality where these fossil bones were found has not been exactly specified. Arrived at Maragha I found several deposits of fossil bones, and excavated them as long as the season permitted. The results obtained I first announced in two letters sent from Maragha to Prof. yon Lasaulx† and to Dr. Tietze‡, including a preliminary list of the Plioeene mammals of Maragha which had been obtained up to that time, and so far as I could determine them on the spot without means of comparison. The collections made by me in Persia are now mostly deposited in the Museum of Prof. yon Fritseh at Halle. In the course of last year a young German residing in Persia successfully continued my excavations at Maragha, and it was a portion of the bones collected by him that M. Gaudry saw in the Museum at Vienna (see Geol. Mag. December 1885, p. 558). As I am now engaged in preparing a monograph on the fossil mammals of Maragha, I wish in this paper to give a sketch of the deposits containing these remains and also a

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