Angular Distribution of theD(d, n)He3Reaction below 1 Mev

Angular distributions of the D(d, n)He3 reaction have been measured at 9 deuteron energies ranging from 0.1 Mev. to 0.9 Mev. Neutrons were detected by two plastic scintillators mounted on photomultiplier tubes, one of which could be rotated to make angles of 0° to 165° with the beam direction. The other scintillator, placed on the rotational axis, was used as a reference counter. Data were fitted to the expression dσ(θ)=dσ(90°)(1+Acos2θ+Bcos4θ) in the center-of-mass system by the method of least squares. The asymmetry coefficients are compared with those obtained by other workers.

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