Lymphoid follicular proctitis

A heterogeneous group is formed by patients presenting with clinical features suggestive of inflammatory bowel disease limited to the rectum and whose rectal biopsies show lymphoid follicular hyperplasia of the mucosa. All these cases are traditionally considered as one variant of chronic ulcerative colitis, so-called ulcerative proctitis. Twenty such cases were critically assessed on clinical, endoscopic, and histologic grounds, as well as on response to treatment and follow-up data. While 11 patients showed clinicopathologic features consistent with typical chronic ulcerative colitis, the other nine patients appeared to form a different group, for which the term “lymphoid follicular proctitis” seemed justified. Lymphoid follicular proctitis was, overall, characterized by rectal bleeding, a congested and granular mucosa without ulceration, abnormal and coalescing hyperplastic lymphoid follicle s without acute inflammation, and failure to respond to local steroid therapy. The nature of lymphoid follicular proctitis is uncertain at present but seems unrelated to chronic ulcerative colitis.