A clinicopathologic and prognostic study of epithelial tumors of the renal pelvis

The aim of the present investigation was to assess the prognosis of epithelial pelvic tumors and evaluate from multivariate analysis the influence of different morphologic and clinical factors on the prognosis. The basic data are derived from the Swedish national series of patients with epithelial renal pelvic tumors diagnosed by histologic examination during 1962–63. Ninety‐four of the 102 patients studied had a urothelial pelvic tumor and eight had an epidermoid carcinoma. The corrected 5‐year survival rate was 51% in the curatively operated series, 60% among the males and 33% among the females. Infiltration depth was found to be of significant importance for the 5‐year survival and thus a strong predictor for prognosis. Furthermore, each tumor grade and tumor structure exerts some influence on the prognosis independent of the infiltration depth. Nine patients had verified, and 16 patients had suspected phenacetin abuse and/or renal papillary necrosis. The survival rate was low and the relative frequency of females was high in this group of patients. These data may indicate a poorer prognosis in patients with phenacetin abuse, and may explain the sex difference in 5‐year survival. Thirty‐eight per cent of the patients with urothelial tumors of the renal pelvis had a synchronous or asynchronous tumor elsewhere in the urinary tract. The high frequency of local recurrence as well as the high frequency of infiltrating tumors and multiple tumors indicate the necessity for a more extensive operation such as perifascial nephrectomy with total ureterectomy including a cuff of the bladder.