The relative efficiency of ionic iron(III) and iron(II) utilization by the rice plant

Uptake of iron by rice plants was equally rapid when supplied as ionic iron(II) or iron(III) at pH 3 and 4. Iron(III) uptake was reduced at pH 5 and uptake of iron when supplied as FeEDTA was relatively low at all three pH levels. At pH 4 in the presence of plant roots, reduction of iron(III) to iron(II) occurred as indicated by Fe2+ BPDS formation. BPDS in a 3:1 ratio to iron(III) suppressed iron uptake by about 70%. The reduction was observed to be located in the endodermis of young roots and exodermis of older roots. A capacity to oxidize iron(II) at the root surface was also observed under local anaerobic and relatively high pH conditions. The significance of these two counteracting processes in affecting the oxidation state of iron at the root surface is discussed.